Redis 版本号采用标准惯例:主版本号.副版本号.补丁级别,一个副版本号就标记为一个标准发行版本,例如 1.2,2.0,2.2,2.4,2.6,2.8,奇数的副版本号用来表示非标准版本,例如2.9.x发行版本是Redis 3.0标准版本的非标准发行版本。
Redis 4.0 was released as GA in July 2017, newcomers should use Redis 5, but Redis 4 is currently the most production-proven release and will be updated for the next year until Redis 6 will be out. It contains several big improvements: a modules system, much better replication (PSYNC2), improvements to eviction policies, threaded DEL/FLUSH, mixed RDB+AOF format, Raspberry Pi support as primary platform, the new MEMORY command, Redis Cluster support for Nat/Docker, active memory defragmentation, memory usage and performance improvements, much faster Redis Cluster key creation, many other smaller features and a number of behavior fixed.
查看 版本说明 或者 下载 4.0.11版本 。
你依然可以在 Google Code 下载历史版本。
Scripts and other automatic downloads can easily access the tarball of the latest Redis stable version at The source code of the latest stable release is always browsable here, use the file src/version.h in order to extract the version in an automatic way.
GitHub库 redis-hashes 包含一个 README 文件 with SHA1 digests of released tarball archives.
Note: the generic redis-stable.tar.gz tarball does not match any hash because it is modified to untar to the redis-stable directory.
$ wget $ tar xzf redis-5.0.4.tar.gz $ cd redis-5.0.4 $ make
目录下. 运行如下:
$ src/redis-server
$ src/redis-cli redis> set foo bar OK redis> get foo "bar"