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Higher level libraries and tools
This is an additional list of libraries that are not direct layers on top of the Redis API, but higher level libraries such as ORMs, messaging libraries, and other misc tools that are designed for Redis.
Resque | Repository | defunkt | Resque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing them on multiple queues, and processing them later. (Ruby) |
Rq | Repository | nvie | Minimalistic Python task queue. Supports only Redis. (Python) |
Celery | Repository | asksol | Python task queue. Supports multiple backends. (Python) |
Fnordmetric | Repository | paulasmuth | Redis/ruby-based realtime Event-Tracking app. (Ruby) |
Ohm | Repository | soveran | Object-hash mapping library for Redis. (Ruby) |
Kombu | Repository | Python AMQP Framework with redis support (Python) | |
Sider | Repository | hongminhee | Python persistent object library based on Redis. (Python) |
Redis-objects | Repository | nateware | Map Redis types directly to Ruby objects. (Ruby) |
Redisco | Repository | iamteem | Loose implementation of Ohm in Python (see above for Ohm project) - Warning: Not actively maintained at the moment. (Python) |
Redis-rdb-tools | Repository | srithedabbler | Parse Redis dump.rdb files, Analyze Memory, and Export Data to JSON. (Python) |
Rdb-parser | Repository | pconstr | node.js asynchronous streaming parser for redis RDB database dumps. (Javascript) |
Redis-sync | Repository | pconstr | A node.js redis replication slave toolkit (Javascript) |
Ost | Repository | soveran | Redis based queues and workers. (Ruby) |
Meerkat | Repository | carlhoerberg | Rack middleware for Server Sent Events with multiple backends. (Ruby) |
Redis-sampler | Repository | antirez | Sample a Redis DB to understand dataset composition. (Ruby) |
Recommendify | Repository | paulasmuth | Ruby/Redis based recommendation engine (collaborative filtering). (Ruby) |
Redis-store | Repository | jodosha | Namespaced Rack::Session, Rack::Cache, I18n and cache Redis stores for Ruby web frameworks. (Ruby) |
Redmon | Repository | steel_thread | A web interface for managing redis: cli, admin, and live monitoring. (Ruby) |
Rollout | Repository | jamesgolick | Conditionally roll out features with redis. (Ruby) |
Webdis | Repository Homepage | yowgi | A Redis HTTP interface with JSON output. (C) |
Soulmate | Repository | seatgeek | Redis-backed service for fast autocompleting. (Ruby) |
Redis_failover | Repository | ryanlecompte | Redis Failover is a ZooKeeper-based automatic master/slave failover solution for Ruby. (Ruby) |
Redis-dump | Repository | solutious | Backup and restore your Redis data to and from JSON. Warning: alpha code. (Ruby) |
Sidekiq | Repository | mperham | Simple, efficient message processing for your Rails 3 application. (Ruby) |
Omhiredis | Repository | taotetek | redis output plugin for rsyslog (rsyslog dev, and rsyslog head). (C) |
Mod_redis | Repository | An Apache HTTPD module for speaking to redis via HTTP (C) | |
leaderboard | Repository | czarneckid | Leaderboards backed by Redis. (Ruby) |
Redis-rdb | Repository | JoL1hAHN | A set of utilities to handle Redis .rdb files with Ruby. (Ruby) |
Lua-ohm | Repository | Lua Redis Object-hash-mapping and more (Lua) | |
PHP-Resque | Repository | surfichris | Port of Resque to PHP. (PHP) |
phpRedisAdmin | Repository | phpRedisAdmin is a simple web interface to manage Redis databases. (PHP) | |
HighcoTimelineBundle | Repository | stephpy | TimelineBundle is a Bundle which works with Symfony 2.* which provides a timeline for a subject as Facebook can do. (PHP) |
Stdnet | Repository | lsbardel | Redis data manager with advanced query and search API. (Python) |
Retools | Repository | benbangert | Caching and locking helper library. (Python) |
Redback | Repository | Higher-level Redis constructs - social graph, full text search, rate limiting, key pairs. (Javascript) | |
Recurrent | Repository | pconstr | A redis-backed manager of recurrent jobs, for node.js (Javascript) |
Amico | Repository | czarneckid | Relationships (e.g. friendships) backed by Redis. (Ruby) |
Redis Qi4j EntityStore | Repository | eskatos | Qi4j EntityStore backed by Redis (Java) |
Spring Data Redis | Repository Homepage | costinl | Spring integration for Redis promoting POJO programming, portability and productivity (Java) |
PHPRedMin | Repository | sasanrose | Yet another web interface for Redis with multi-server support (PHP) |
redis-tcl | Repository | bradvoth antirez | Tcl library largely copied from the redis test tree, modified for minor bug fixes and expanded pub/sub capabilities (Tcl) |
Redis Desktop Manager | Repository Homepage | u_glide | Cross-platform desktop GUI management tool for Redis (C++) |
FastoRedis | Repository Homepage | topilski | Cross-platform Redis, Memcached management tool. (C++) |
Nydus | Repository Homepage | zeeg | Connection clustering and routing for Redis and Python. (Python) |
redis-mount | Repository Homepage | poying | redis-mount lets you use Redis as a filesystem. (Go) |
RPQueue | Repository Homepage | josiahcarlson | RPQueue offers a prioritized, periodic, and scheduled task system for Python using Redis (Python) |
rom | Repository Homepage | josiahcarlson | Redis object mapper for Python using declarative models, with search over numeric, full text, prefix, and suffix indexes (Python) |
RedisKeychain | Repository Homepage | codecreativity | A Node.js library for streamlining the configuration and maintenance of your Redis namespace (Javascript) |
phpRedExpert | Repository Homepage | EugeneFidelin | phpRedExpert ia simple and powerful web UI for Redis databases and servers management, written in PHP and JavaScript. (PHP) |
Hibernate OGM | Repository Homepage | mp911de gunnarmorling | Hibernate OGM is the JPA integration for Redis (Java) |
pyres | Repository | binarydud | Python library inspired by Resque for creating background jobs and workers (Python) |
Redis-RdbParser | Repository | Redis-RdbParser is a streaming parser for redis RDB database dumps. (Perl) | |
Redset | Repository | percolate | Simple, generic sorted sets backed by Redis that can be used to coordinate distributed systems. (Python) |
Redsmin | Repository Homepage | fgribreau | A fully featured Redis GUI for managing and monitoring redis. (Web) |
HOT Redis | Repository | stephenmcd | Higher Order Types for Redis in Python (Python) |
Redis Tree | Repository | fgribreau | Load and save Trees to Redis using sets. (Javascript) |
Redis-NaiveBayes | Repository | caio | A generic Redis-backed NaiveBayes implementation (Perl) |
Agentredrabbit | Repository | wingify | Transport agent that moves data from Redis to RabbitMQ (Python) |
Redtrine | Repository | redtrine | Redis-based advanced PHP data structures (PHP) |
Redis LUA Unit | Repository | redsmin | Framework agnostic unit-testing for Redis Lua scripts (Lua) |
Redis Info | Repository | fgribreau | Redis info string parser for NodeJS (Javascript) |
Redis tool | Repository | fgribreau | Redis-tool - Little helpers for Redis (ztrim, del-all, rename) (Javascript) |
Redis_failover | Repository | ryanlecompte | Redis Failover is a ZooKeeper-based automatic master/slave failover solution for Ruby. (Ruby) |
redis-in-labview | Repository | iwac | LabVIEW toolkit for Redis (LabVIEW) |
RedisStudio | Repository | cinience | Redis GUI tool for windows platform. (C++) |
Keylord | Homepage | protonail | Cross-platform administration and development GUI application for key-value databases like Redis, LevelDB, etc. (Java) |
redispapa | Repository Homepage | no13bus | RedisPAPA is a redis monitor which watch the redis-info by using flask, angular, socket.io (Python) |
Hangfire | Repository Homepage | odinserj | An easy way to perform fire-and-forget, delayed and recurring tasks inside ASP.NET apps (C#) |
redis_builder | Repository Homepage | zhengshuxin | A C++ redis tool to create and manage a redis cluster, basing on acl redis lib in https://github.com/zhengshuxin/acl/tree/master/lib_acl_cpp/samples/redis (C++) |
huey | Repository | coleifer | Simple multi-threaded Python task queue. Supports Redis. (Python) |
walrus | Repository | coleifer | A collection of lightweight utilities for working with Redis in Python. Includes ORM, autocompletion, full-text search, cache, locks, and more. (Python) |
RedisPlatform | Repository Homepage | jacketzhong | A rpc platform that base on redis, You can use it to do a lot of things, it can be a game server (C) |
RedisPlugin for Phalcon | Repository | ienagatoshiyuki | RedisPlugin for Phalcon (The correspondence of MySQL sharding.) (PHP) |
promise-redis | Repository | Use any promise library with node_redis. (Javascript) | |
Hedis | Repository Homepage | kewang | Hedis can retrieve data from **ANY** database directly via Redis (C) |